
Day 1

Today was day one of Paramedic school. We began today with 12 students, 4 girls, 8 guys. We spent eight hours in conference room that will serve as our classroom for the next year. After an hour of paper work and procedural things our professor Jay began to lecture. He began his lecture with a small bit of a reality check for all of us in the class.

Jay: Look around this room. Go home tonight and say good-bye to your families. You are mine, body, mind, and soul for the next year. The people you see around you will be your family for the next year. No matter what you back each other up. You all need each other to learn from and to be there for support. Your significant others will not understand, your children will not understand, you friends will not understand. The people in this room will understand. You miss classes or come in drunk or hung over you will be automatically dropped. If you fail to achieve a 80% or higher on every test and every quiz you fail. You fail to complete a skill, you fail. You do something outside you scope of practice, you fail. Understood?

Class: (all looking like we want to run for the door and yet still smiling and looking like we want to be there) Understood.

Jay: However I am the rule maker. If you are a good student and a good person and are working hard in the class and something comes up tell me. I will do whatever I can within my power to help you. But there are limits to how much I can do for you. Try your hardest and we will get along just fine.

So now I am both excited and terrified. This is what I want to do no matter how hard I have to work to achieve it.