
Storytime With Freckles #1

Ckemtp was bored the other night on twitter so I offered to tell him a story. This is the story I made up to learn the roles of cells in the immune system.

So once upon a time there was a ninja training ground we shall call Bob. Bob was not just any ninja training ground he was a human!

As Bob had gone about his life he had become sick, and then gotten better, he had been injured, and then gotten better. For this reason Bob never thought about the ninja training facility in his body called his immune system. At some point he had been told of the awesome ninjas living inside of him but as they was always doing their job Bob never really thought about them.

Well one day Bob sustained a particularly nasty cut and he decided to figure out just what was happening inside his body. So he got a friend to use a shrink ray and go inside with a camera and this is what he saw...

There were millions and billions of Ninjas everywhere. And then he spotted them, the invaders, and he was not the only one. At that very minute a Macrophage named Mac walked up to an invader and gobbled him up. Now Mac was a messy eater so he got the invader all over him like he was a 2 year old child.

At that very minute a Helper T cell ninja named Hank spotted the invaders. Now there are T ninjas and B ninjas and they never talk. However Hank talked to both sides even though he was technically a T ninja.

So doing his job he started elbowing the T and B ninjas. At first they were like.. "WTF Hank". And then he pointed to the invades and to Mac and his friends who were having a feast. At that moment they sprung into action the B cells tried to find a matching antibody to the antigens the invaders had on. Finding the right antibody is slow work but eventually they did find the right one. As soon as they did they began mass production of it so that they could fight the invaders by making them unable to replicate or move. They needed more workers to do this fast enough to kill the invaders before they killed Bob. So they began cloning themselves along with the antibody weapons needed.

As all this was happening the cooler T cells began slicing and dicing the invaders where they stood. It was a blood bath and pretty awesome to watch. The T cells also cloned themselves over and over to have a large enough army to fight the invaders off.

Finally the battle ended. Mac and his friends were gorging themselves by eating all the invaders and the invader bits left over from the battle. They then became globby puss that oozed out of Bob's wound.

Hank and his friends managed to recruit many many ninjas of both kinds to help in the fight and he even made clones to help them in the recruiting process.

Once they checked the perimeter and posted guards to prevent furthur invaders from entering the T ninjas and B ninjas had story time.

The T ninjas and the B ninjas sat down all their new children. The ones they had cloned out that second/ minute/ day (all 8 billion of them). And they passed down the story of those invaders. The B ninjas also gave all the children the weapons that had killed the invaders in the end.

However the much cooler T ninjas did not have to pass down weapons, as their children are born killers and do not need weapons to kill.

This passing on of the stories and weapons was tradition among the ninjas. This tradition exists in the hopes that if the invaders ever returned there would be T and B ninjas to remember how to fight them. And hopefully if they remembered and had the tools necessary already they would get up an army faster and make their clone daddies proud by having their own massacre. The End

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