
My boring week.

Well I just got home from donating double red so I am treating myself to some down time and some relaxation. So I figured I better bring this up to speed.

Well for Paramedic school there are classes you have to take along with the Paramedic core classes in order to graduate with a degree. The ones I am currently enrolled in seem mildly pointless and boring.

For Example before you take any classes at the school you are required to take a series of tests to determine what classes you do not have to take and at what level. The highest you can get on the Math section is 12.9 which is equal to having above and beyond high school math capabilities. When I took the test I received a 12.9. I immediately thought awesome I will not have to take anymore math classes this will be nice. Oh was I wrong they looked at my score and said you have to take this self paced class there are 15 tests and a ton of busy work and you have to finish it this semester. Yes I too found this ridiculous that i received the highest score and still have to complete Basic Math Proficency!!! YAY.

Then I had to take student Success. Basically I sat in a class room for 4 days for a total of 16 hours and listened to some of my classmates talk about things they did not understand. very very simple things. Like how to navigate a website or save documents so they could be sent to our professor.

And now i am enrolled in computer literacy. I am currently 2 weeks ahead of the class in the homework. I am also only doing the homework during class time and I am teaching the stuff to 2 little old ladies who sit behind me and I still have time to do homework for other classes. Oh and did I happen to mention today was only my second class there and I am ahead!!!

I cannot wait until classes that I feel will be more useful start up. I can understand Human Anatomy and Microbiology and Ethics and Oral and Written Communication. All those classes seem at least marginally useful to me unlike some classes. And yes I know for the little old ladies behind me these classes are extremely useful but come on there has to be a way to all some of these classes to be tested out of some how.

I applied for a job at Boy Scout Camp yesterday and I recieved an email about doing a phone interview. I am excited. It seems like it will be a fun job, I will be the camp EMT. I love the outdoors and I will be getting plenty of it and I really hope I get it. Problem is the job is in NY and I live in WI. I am thinking about driving my car there for the summer. However it is a 10+ hour drive and I have to be there 2 days after classes end here.

Well until next time don't do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics.

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